With each TV spot my anticipation for IRON MAN grows. Have you seen the one shot like test footage on a camcorder? The rockets shoot Stark up, flip him over and SLAM him into a wall.
The onslaught of ads has certainly increased the film's visibility and SlashFilm reports it's tracking big, with an anticipated $60 million+ opening weekend. BTW, the flick will open in some cities at 8 PM on Thursday, May 1.
Not the same excitement for the ghastly looking SPEED RACER. Tracking firms are reporting that definite interest in the flick is only around 30% compared to 50% for IRON MAN.
I've already got tickets for a DLP screening for early afternoon on 5/2. I figure that since I'm not taking of 5/1 in solidarity with the workers of the world (May Day), I might as well play hookey on 5/2 and see IRON MAN.
(OK, sorta hookey. I'll probably go to work in the morning. Maybe.)
Iron Man was a practically flawless hero flick; its makers drop some pretty obvious sequel hints too... i'm thinking the next one should be equally great
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