Thursday, August 12, 2010

Zombie Tipping Point?

We've already had a couple zombie horror-comedies, AMC is rolling out a zombie drama aimed at mainstream America and NBC announced the pickup of a horrific-sounding "zomedy" about zombie and vampire buddy cops. But this Ford commercial might be the official zombie tipping point.


Cinema Suicide said...

Yeah. That ad is pretty terrible. Mass media is pretty late to the movie on this one. Even the most die-hard zombie fans are starting to abandon ship. I was tired of it years ago. The Walking Dead, however, will probably sail on the benefit of an embedded fan base, a network that's extremely popular for their sophisticated dramas and a kick ass script. Man, that show looks goooooood...

Dan said...

I'm looking forward to THE WALKING DEAD if only to see how they treat the topic and how graphic they get on tv. All this zombie talk makes me want to get out my NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES disc.