LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE FABULOUS STAINS was one of those life-altering movie moments that I fondly look back on, like watching DEATH GAME on cable one afternoon and seeing Sondra Locke and Colleen Camp (back at their peak) making out on my TV screen or the first time my buddies and I rented BLOODSUCKING FREAKS on Beta from the local video store.
STAINS was one of those moments, a blink-and-you-missed-it cable airing of the pre-riot-grrrl story of The Fabulous Stains, an all-girl punk band featuring Diane Lane and Laura Dern. Populated with such familiar faces as Fee Waybill (The Tubes), Steve Jones and Paul Cook (Sex Pistols) and directed by music tycoon Lou Adler who helped bring ROCKY HORROR to the big screen and also helmed UP IN SMOKE, you'd have thought the film would have been bigger.
Alas, STAINS had a brief (almost non-existent) theatrical run and spent the last 20+ years turning up on the occasional cable airing or at a repretory film house. I'm anxious to see it again after all these years, wondering if it still holds up to my memory.
Be sure to check out our interview with actress Debbie Rochon who plays a bit part as a groupie in the film.
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