I've never taken on the Nablopomo challenge before but I plan to do it on two fronts: both here at the Exploitation Retrospect blog and over at The Hungover Gourmet blog. Aside from this initial post I'll do my best not to share content. That'd sort of be cheating, wouldn't it?
Anyway, I decided to tackle this challenge because work is getting busier, the holidays are coming up, life is getting crazier and it'd be really easy to slack off and let less important things like the blog take a backseat. Plus, I look at writing as a muscle and if you don't exercise it every now and then it starts to go a little soft.
So that's that. Welcome to Nablopomo and I hope you enjoy the ride.
By the way, you can also click the little participant graphic at the top of the right hand column to be taken to the Nablopomo homepage where you can read more about the event and explore some of the other blogs that are participating.
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