I was a little shocked the other day when I fired up the ER blog to find an old review and discovered that I hadn't posted an update since May 3rd! Looking at the blog you'd think nothing had been going on here at the House of ER, but you'd be wrong. Let's catch up, shall we...
The Current Issue
For a few moments there it was looking grim regarding future printings of ER #51 (not to mention our upcoming issue). ComixPress, who printed the first two print runs and did an outstanding job, decided to close up shop which kind of left us in a lurch. When the announcement came I was actually down to the last handful of issues from our second printing but thanks to input from pals and some quick Googling I was able to locate a company that could do just as nice a job (if not better), for the same price, and much faster. For those still looking to pick up a copy of ER #51 – SHOCK CINEMA calls it "chock full of schlocky cinema and savvy analysis" while LIQUID CHEESE raves "Do yourself a favor and order one NOW!" – visit our site for info on ordering on-line or via mail.
The Upcoming Issue
Speaking of ER #52 – which was teased in the back of ER #51 – I'm happy to report that it is coming together nicely and is on schedule for an October 2013 release. There will be a big review section covering a slew of genres, an interview or two you won't find anywhere else and a heaping helping of action with a look at men's action paperbacks, action cinema and much more. I won't know exact contents until mid-August but this issue is already starting to feel more like the ER of old.
Other Writing
Despite the fact that this blog has been woefully neglected while I've been juggling travel, my daughter's summer vacation and my real world jobs, I have been staying active in the writing trenches. If you haven't checked it out already be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the next issue of Brian Harris and Tim Paxton's excellent WENG'S CHOP. Each issue gets bigger and better and #4 (due out soon) is no exception. No article from me this issue but I did contribute a handful of trash cinema reviews and sleaze fans will not want to miss ER contributor David Zuzelo's epic contribution to the new issue.
I was also pickled tink to be asked to contribute to the Italian Horror Week over at Dr. Terror's Blog of Horrors. Dr. Jimmy delivered a crushing lineup of content based around that simple concept, covering everything from old school giallo to Spaghetti Splatter and more. My beer-fueled recap of one of my favorite nights at the Super-130 Drive-In appeared during the week and thanks to the good doctor looks better than I could have ever hoped.
Dan's Funky Finds and Vintage Mags
Some of you who have known me over the years and/or followed the zine know that I'm also a frequent haunter of garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores and their ilk. Though I have slowed down quite a bit in that department I still keep my eyes peeled for good trash to share which led to me breaking down and opening an eBay store devoted to selling movies, zines, books, posters and more. I'm still in the process of cataloging and posting items but you'll definitely want to bookmark the store. A recent trip to Kentucky yielded about 20 years of vintage Playboy (1965-1985) plus some other classic smut, I just stumbled upon a stack of great 1970s trash and horror posters (most in unbelievable condition), and I'm always pulling out boxes of DVDs, zines, mags, promo items and more. If you want to keep up with our latest findings and listings be sure to check out the Dan's Funky Finds Twitter feed and Facebook page.
What I've Been Watching
Been trying to juggle stuff I have to watch for review purposes with stuff I want to watch. The former category includes such flicks as: THE COOK (awful, schizo wannabe horror spoof); SNOW SHARK (dumb as a post but consistently mediocre); BAD MEAT (a killer first 78 minutes submarined by the final six); THE DARK DEALER (surprisingly enjoyable anthology throwback); SLAUGHTER TALES (entertaining, if a tad too long, love letter to SOV horror trash); and, SEXCULA (amateurish, but fun, Canadian erotic horror comedy derailed by endlessly dull sex scenes). On the want to watch side FAST 6 was as wonderfully check-your-brain-at-the-door fun as I could have hoped while the reboot (remake? sequel?) of THE EVIL DEAD left me feeling kinda "meh". Streaming continued to blow my mind (in good and bad ways) with the jaw-droppingly awesome CATCH THE HEAT and The Asylum's staggeringly unwatchable 500 MPH STORM (with Casper Van Dien). I guess they can't all be SHARKNADO.
What I've Been Reading
While I've devoted most of the last few months to plowing through my collection of Destroyer and Executioner novels – with one-off sidetrips with such men's action characters as The Butcher and The Protector – I've still found time to work in a few other reads. DRINKING WITH STRANGERS is a breezy memoir from rocker/producer Butch Walker while MARVEL COMICS: THE UNTOLD STORY features a fascinating history of the comic giant from its pre-superhero heyday to the present. COMMANDO: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JOHNNY RAMONE is a must-read for Ramones fans while KISS: BEHIND THE MASK is probably for die-hards only. Currently, I'm juggling my loves of food and music with LOUDER THAN HELL (an oral history of heavy metal) and BACK OF THE HOUSE, another look at life as a restaurant worker.
Whew! I suppose that ends this little catch-up session. I promise to (try and) be more diligent about posting here in the coming months. But you can always stay up-to-date by checking out the ER Twitter feed and Facebook page.
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