Thursday, January 25, 2007

New RE-ANIMATOR Two Disc Special Edition

I wanted to get more details before I gushed about Anchor Bay's upcoming special edition of Stuart Gordon's RE-ANIMATOR (slated for release on March 20, 2007), or as we call it around ER HQ "The Greatest Movie Ever Made."

Though there have been other special editions on both laserdisc and DVD, this new two-disc special edition looks to be the one RE-ANIMATOR to have in your collection.

According to, the set will feature a new remastered, 16x9-enhanced 1.85:1 transfer with Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 soundtracks, plus:
  • Audio commentary by director Stuart Gordon
  • Audio commentary by producer Brian Yuzna and actors Bruce Abbott, Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton and Robert Sampson
  • All-new 70-minute documentary Re-Animator Resurrectus, featuring interviews with Gordon, Yuzna, writer Dennis Paoli, actors Combs, Crampton, Sampson and Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, composer Richard Band and Fango’s Tony Timpone
  • Music discussion with Band
  • Deleted and extended scenes
  • Theatrical trailer
  • TV spots
  • New production stills from Yuzna’s private collection
  • New behind-the-scenes, posters & advertising, storyboard and fun-on-the-set galleries
  • Stuart Gordon bio
  • Screenplay (DVD-ROM)
  • H.P. Lovecraft’s short story “Herbert West, Reanimator” (DVD-ROM)
I wish they'd found a way to include the long out of print soundtrack as well, but I suppose you can't have everything. Oh well, at least I still have my vinyl copy. But you can have this incredible two-disc package of The Greatest Movie Ever Made for less than $20. In fact, you can pre-order your copy from Amazon today and support ER at the same time.


Cinema Suicide said...

I realize how old this post is, but I saw a Jeffrey Combs category and couldn't resist looking. I didn't need to read this post. I saw this DVD come into the record store I do some part-time at and thought, "Great, now I have to buy ANOTHER copy of this movie." But I never did. I'd sell my old Elite 2 Disc but it has Combs' autograph on it after I shelled out at a con for his time. Nice guy. Very, very weird, but nice. He pulled the art out of the case to sign it and ran his fingers over the paper. He said, "I've seen a lot of these recently, but yours is different. It's of a higher quality." Then he signed it: To Bryan, You're next!"

On the soundtrack tip, though. This came back into print in a numbered limited edition. It costs a little more, but I bought both this and the From Beyond soundtracks and love them to death. Richard Band steals all his best hooks, but they're sooooo good.

Dan said...

I'll have to look for that soundtrack CD. As for Combs, he'd probably describe *me* as weird. We went to the North American premiere of BEYOND RE-ANIMATOR and he and Yuzna were there. They did a Q&A beforehand and then hung out in the lobby afterwards posing for pix and signing stuff. It was about 3 AM when the flick ended and I corralled Combs and pulled out my cherished RE-ANIMATOR novelization. He said he didn't even know they done one. As he's signing it I gushed "I think RE-ANIMATOR's the greatest movie ever made!" As I grabbed him around the shoulders and turned to pose for a photo he looked at my wife (then my girlfriend) with this sort of deer in the headlights look and she said, "No, he's not kidding."

Cinema Suicide said...

I'm really into horror movie soundtracks and that site has every soundtrakc ever made that is still in print (and you'd be surprised what's still in print on small collector labels). They have a ton of giallo and poliziotechi(?) soundtracks.

I'm going to have to watch Re-Animator again tonight. It's one of my all-times as well. My all-time of all-time, though, is Escape From New York. We did the meet and greet thing with Adrienne Barbeau at another con and I was greeted with a similar reaction as your Combs run-in when I proclaimed Escape my favorite movie of all time. I think I suffixed it with something like, "it changed the way I watch movies" which was the dorkiest thing I could have said to someone who didn't even want to be signing at the con in the first place.

I've had some strange run-ins with genre celebrities in the past. I'll have to write up my experience with Tom Savini some time. That was a fucking disaster.

Dan said...

Definitely do tell sometime. Savini and I lived in the same neighborhood in Pittsburgh. I'd never run into him until one night right around Halloween when I was walking to the neighborhood bar. I looked up and this guy was coming towards me. I kept thinking how much he looked like Savini. It finally dawned on me it WAS Savini and all I could blurt out was "Hey Tom, uh, Happy Halloween." A week or two later I was in the bank and turned around to see what time the clock read... who's standing behind me in line but Savini! Given my boneheaded first encounter I smiled, nodded and turned back around. Brushes with greatness, indeed!

BTW, sounds like we have very, very similar tastes Bryan. I'm a HUGE ESCAPE fan myself and was just watching it the other night.

Cinema Suicide said...

I'm going to write about my Savini encounter on my blog. Probably tomorrow.

As for Escape From New York. Before they reissued the special edition, I refused to buy the bare bones, so I watched it on TV only and always if it was on.

Dude. I've watched it on Univision.